Countdown calculator
TimeLeft software is a countdown calculator.
To see at any moment how many days is left till or passed after some event, just let TimeLeft know what your event date is and
TimeLeft countdown calculator will calculate for you how may days is left or passed after.
Also TimeLeft countdown can show how many weeks, years, working days, hours, minutes
or seconds is left till any event.
More about TimeLeft
TimeLeft is a countdown, reminder, clock, alarm clock, tray clock,
stopwatch, timer, sticker, auction watch, web countdown and time synchronization
TimeLeft has tons of features and options, at the same time it
is user-friendly and very easy to use. Try TimeLeft and you will be surprised
at its versatility.
Main features
Countdown calculator is a small window that lives on your desktop and shows you how long
is left till some event.
You can resize your Countdown calculator up to the screen size (full screen).
You can define Countdown calculator title. It is very convenient if you have more than one
Countdown calculator on your desktop.
Countdown calculator floating windows can stick to each other, so you can group them and
move at once (no need to move each Countdown calculator separately).
See also
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TimeLeft Freeware never expires, you can use it as long as you like!

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TimeLeft Deluxe

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What users say about
This skinnable clock is much better than the default clock that comes with windows. I prefer to have the date and a 24 hour military clock on my desktop