Download countdown
If you want to know every single moment how long is left till some glad event, TimeLeft Countdown can help you.
TimeLeft countdown timer is a small floating window that sits on
your desktop and shows how long is left till or passed after some event.
TimeLeft countdown can display how long is left till someone's birthday or till cruise, vacation, graduation,
retirement, the last mortgage payment, your favorite hockey or football game, wedding, how long passed after the child's birthday and much more!
Also you can program your
TimeLeft countdown to display recurring events: minutely, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, annually or every Moon phase.
Download countdown
More about TimeLeft
TimeLeft is a countdown, reminder, clock, alarm clock, tray clock,
stopwatch, timer, sticker, auction watch, web countdown and time synchronization
TimeLeft has tons of features and options, at the same time it
is user-friendly and very easy to use. Try TimeLeft and you will be surprised
at its versatility.
Main features
TimeLeft software proposes you a bunch of very helpful functions:
Automatic calculation - all you need is just to specify the date of your event and TimeLeft countdown will automatically
calculate how long is left till this event (or passed after).
Flexible time interval presentation - using TimeLeft layout countdown editor you can select how the time left should be
presented - in years, months, weeks, days, working days, hours, minutes or seconds.
Skin or font - you can select a skin or a font and color for your countdown.
Pick a sound and TimeLeft will play it for you, setup your message and TimeLeft
will display it.
In addition TimeLeft can open WEB sites, execute applications, open documents,
turn off your monitor, restart your computer as well as shutdown, lock or log
it off.
You also can pick size, sound, message image and more.
See also
Download FREE
TimeLeft Freeware never expires, you can use it as long as you like!

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TimeLeft Deluxe

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Full features, life time new versions!
What users say about
Great for remembering dentist or doctor appointments, helps not to forget about medications