Timer clocks
TimeLeft Deluxe software implements multiple timer clocks - little floating windows on your desktop. Each timer clock can have its own settings: captions, buttons, skins, fonts, sizes - every of these
options can be customized personally for each of your timer clocks. TimeLeft timer clocks can count starting from any value - there is no limitation for 1 day, for example. When zero is reached, timer
clocks can play sound files - and more features are available
More about TimeLeft
TimeLeft is a clock (also Windows tray clock replacement), countdown, Web countdown,
work days and work hours countdown, reminder (including Moon phase reminder),
alarm clock, stopwatch, timer, desktop sticker, eBay auction watch, and time synchronization
TimeLeft uses Winamp skins to show digits and text. Reminder offers virtually
endless customization options, it can alert you at a specific moment or run periodically,
remind you before a specified event or keep on reminding you after it.
Main features
Every timer is a separate fully customizable floating window that lives on your desktop.
You can setup your timer to play a sound when zero value is reached.
It is possible to change current timer value.
You can customize every timer to have its own skin or font/color (see Timer Settings window).
You can resize your timer up to the screen size (full screen).
You can define timer title. It is very convenient if you have a few timers on your desktop.
Timer floating windows can stick to each other, so you can group them and move at once (no need to move each timer separately).
You can make your timer semitransparent, always on top of all other windows.
You can change timer layout. For example, you can setup your timer to display minutes and seconds or hours - any combination is possible.
Also you can hide timer buttons (Start/Pause, Reset) if you don't need them.
See also
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What users say about
Can't wait for a glad event?
TimeLeft makes it seem so much closer when watching the seconds ticking